Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night And Then Can’t Sleep?
A good night’s rest is something that everyone needs to feel refreshed and energized the next day. But have you ever fallen asleep and then gotten jolted awake in the middle of the night? And what is even worse is that you can’t go back to sleep no matter how much you try. Well, here are some possible reasons for it. Some would require you to see a sleep doctor Damascus MD.
You Have Insomnia
The first and most obvious reason is insomnia. If you are someone who has a lot of sleep issues, then insomnia might be at the top of the list of reasons why you can’t fall asleep peacefully. You can initially go to sleep, but you will wake up in the middle of the night and you will be wide awake for the most part. This is frustrating because you want to sleep and you’re tired, but your brain won’t get the message and it wills you to stay awake. This can be problematic and you want to see a doctor immediately.
Sadly, there is no cure for insomnia and you can only manage it, which is why a lot of people who suffer from this sleeping disorder have to keep a tight check on their sleep schedules because one slip and you can fall into the insomnia trap.
It Is Sleep Interruption
A lot of people think that interrupted sleep is the same as insomnia, but it’s not. It can look the same, but they’re two different things. It can be a specific sleep disorder, but it mainly happens when you sleep and then you randomly wake up in bursts.
You will have a hard time falling back asleep and when you end up doing so, you will just wake up again. It’s a vicious cycle that is just as bad as insomnia and it needs to be checked over by a doctor. So, if you have any issues with sleep, then you need to consult a doctor.
You Have A Bad Sleep Schedule
This can also be the reason why you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep. This can be because of your sleeping schedule.
If you are someone who works a lot of night shifts and you also have experience with different time zones, then it will be hard for you to fall asleep and stay that way. This is common for people who do a lot of irregular hours of work and do not take care of their sleep schedule.
Circadian Rhythm Is Overstimulated
Your circadian rhythm or your biological clock is an internal signal for your brain and body to let you know when you’re tired and when you need to fall asleep.
Your brain is an organ that works on habits and routines and that is how your circadian rhythm is kept in check. However, if you have disrupted routines and you can’t find a proper time to sleep, then you have an overstimulated circadian rhythm and it is very confusing. You won’t know when you need to fall asleep and wake up and that can be frustrating. If you need help, visit a sleep center Bethesda.
It’s Too Noisy
Your bedroom is supposed to be a safe and noiseless area for you to sleep. If there are a lot of noises in your bedroom, then you will wake up in the middle of the night and then you won’t fall back asleep.
This can be tiresome and it is something that a lot of people deal with. So, the best thing to do is either make your area noiseless or if you can’t do that, then you need to cancel those noises by getting earplugs. You will see an immediate difference.
It’s Not Dark
Your body wills your mind to fall asleep when there is total darkness. Darkness secretes a hormone called melatonin which helps to aid sleep. So, if your bedroom isn’t dark enough then maybe that is the problem with the disruption of your sleep.
You want to keep your windows closed and the curtains drawn to ensure that you’re getting your room dark. This will ensure that you sleep peacefully throughout the night and you won’t have any problem. Night is dark and it is the time when you sleep, so it’s basic common sense that you need darkness to fall asleep.
It’s Not Comfortable
Comfort plays a very important role in a peaceful sleep. The princess and the pea story wasn’t exaggerating when she couldn’t sleep because a small pea was disrupting her sleep. Well, even though you don’t need a hundred mattresses to solve that problem, what you do need is a soft and comfortable bed and mattress to sleep in. This is important because you want your bed to be a comfortable sanctuary to sleep in.
If your bed has kinks and knots in it, then you obviously won’t be able to sleep and you will also wake up with not only a foul mood but also a bad backache. So, whatever you do, make sure that you’re investing in a good mattress. It’s for your good.
You’re Stimulated
There’s a reason why doctors will tell you to avoid caffeine or alcohol before bed or any time after 5 pm. It is because these things can stimulate the brain and instead of winding down for the day, it makes you want to stay awake and that is not what you want if you’re already having a hard time falling asleep.
So, try and check your caffeine and alcohol consumption before bed. If you’re drinking anything stimulating past 5 pm, then you need to stop.
Nap Indulgence
Are you someone who loves naps? Well, let’s be real, who doesn’t love naps? But, that’s not the point. You’re sleeping at hours of the day, so obviously you won’t be able to sleep when it actually matters, a.k.a. night time.
So, if you feel like you take 30 to 40-minute naps throughout the day and then you don’t feel tired when night rolls around, then maybe you need to change that. You need to tire yourself out so that as soon as you hit the hay, you enter into dreamland.
Try Getting Out Of Bed
If you’re still having a hard time falling asleep after you’ve been awake for some time in the night, then the best thing to do is to wake up and get out of bed. Walk for a bit, do some reading, but nothing too stimulating otherwise you will be awake for a long time.
Sometimes, changing places can do wonders for your sleep and you can get tired by this little flurry of activity. This is going to ensure that you sleep well when you get hit with a wave of interruption. It helps.
Getting interrupted while you’re sleeping is normal, but what’s not is experiencing a state of alertness after the fact. Well, now you know the possible causes. If it keeps happening that you wake up in the middle of the night and then can’t go back to sleep, visit a sleep clinic Frederick.
Categories: Health