
What Is Spring Water? Do Water Delivery Companies Offer It?

Naturally sourced water is fresh and has multiple health benefits. You may have heard a lot about spring water. But where does it come from? Is it a good option? And do drinking water delivery services offer it? Here are the things to know.

Spring Water

Spring water is water obtained straight from the ground. See, the Earth has a lot of layers, and underneath the rocky and sandy surface is a water table. The water table consists of a big reserve of water that is also known as subsoil water.
So, whenever this water finds a way out of the reserve and onto the ground, it is collected in the vicinity of a small opening and a pool-like cave, which is called a spring.

Springs are either natural or man-made, however, natural springs are where the good stuff lies. Springs are found in a lot of places, mostly tucked away in the mountains or high-altitude places. Springs are like a pathway for the underground water to seep out and form a natural accumulation or pool of sorts.

This water is also bottled for use. Spring water is just so different in taste, as compared to other types of water. It is fresher, it is tastier and it just has that refreshing taste that will not only energize you but will also rejuvenate you from the inside out.

Spring water is also great for people who have restrictions in their diet. It’s the most natural form of water you can drink.

Does Spring Water Contain Contaminants?

Yes, it can. Spring water is amazing and all that, but that doesn’t mean that it is safe from contaminants. There can be a lot of things in the spring water that need to be removed before you can chug it down.

However, the treatment or purification of spring water isn’t as generic as tap water. It’s done meticulously to ensure that the actual taste and benefits of spring water aren’t stripped away and that it’s safe for drinking at all costs.

The treatment process for spring water is a bit different and it’s not as rigorous as that for tap water that needs to be stripped of all the hazardous chemicals and impurities. A water filtration system Meadville of certain specifications is used to ensure that.

First of all, spring water only contains a bit of sediment and maybe some bacteria if the spring is too exposed to the outdoors. Naturally, springs are tucked away and they’re quite remote, as no person can reach it that easily, so contamination is not going to be a huge issue. However, it’s not always impossible either.

Spring water, if it contains bacteria, can lead to stomach issues, digestion problems, and a whole different set of problems with the body, so it must be tested and made free of all kinds of stomach-hurting bacteria. For sediments, simple filtration can get the job done and that is pretty much it when it comes to the purification of spring water. Not only this but sometimes, spring water can be free of all kinds of impurities, especially if the spring you’re collecting water from is very closed off. You can even drink water straight from the spring with no need to boil it whatsoever.

So, this can vary from spring to spring and you need to know whether the water is safe for drinking or not before you gulp it down.

Spring Water Vs. Mineral Water

A lot of people can take spring water for mineral water and even though there might be some similarities between the two, they’re still poles apart.

Mineral water can either be natural or it can be concocted in the laboratory. If natural water contains minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfate, etc., then the water is known as natural mineral water. Natural mineral water is also sourced from the ground, so it’s really easy to mistake it for spring water. However, the key difference between spring and mineral water is that spring water can or won’t contain any type of minerals, whereas mineral water has to contain minerals otherwise it won’t be called mineral water.

A lot of water bottling companies claim that they provide mineral water, even though it is not exactly naturally sourced mineral water, so it’s a gray area that you can’t trust. Mineral water is also natural but man-made pure water in which minerals are added to the water after the fact is not mineral water. So, companies that claim that their water, which isn’t naturally sourced, is mineral water, then you know that they’re lying through the bottle and you want to go for something that states the truth.

Mineral water is good for people who want to get in their daily dose or at least a part of it through water. This water is great for when you’re feeling like you’re not getting enough nutrients from food, so mineral water will help to save the day.

Spring water, on the flip side, is not exactly mineral water. Its main characteristic is that it is naturally gushed out of the ground and that it tastes out of this world, like water straight from the most natural of sources.

Is Spring Water Better?

A lot of people think that spring water is better for you than tap water and if you’re talking in the literal sense, then yes, spring water is way better in that regard. The main reason why is because spring water is safe from all kinds of rigorous and harsh treatment methods and it’s not as harmful to you, as treated tap water. However, you should also keep in mind that springs are limited natural sources of water and if everyone on the planet shifts to spring water, then there won’t be any springs left in a matter of a couple of years.

So, if you want to make a conscious effort to drink the most natural forms of water, then you can give bottled spring water a go, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t drink tap water ever again.
Tap water is great for people in general and it’s clean and safe at the end of the day, so you’re not missing out on a lot of health benefits.

There is a common misconception that spring water is only good for people suffering from health issues. While it can be true to a certain extent, it’s not exactly the case. Yes, spring water is healthy for you, but anyone, with health or gut issues or not, can drink it.

There is no restriction or limitation when it comes to drinking spring water. One thing is for sure though. Spring water can be a bit more expensive than regular tap or bottled water. Why? Because it’s coming from a limited source of water and because it’s treated in a certain way to ensure that the freshness stays intact. So, you’ll be expected to pay a bit extra for this.

Do Water Delivery Companies Offer Spring Water?

Yes, water delivery services do offer spring water. Furthermore, they also offer other types of water like mineral water, distilled water, purified water, and more.


Spring water is a very good source of water if you’re looking for something natural and fresh. You won’t go back to regular water once you take a sip of spring water. Look for bottled water home delivery Warren companies that offer spring water and have a track record of timely delivery.

Categories:   Home Improvement