

How To Include Your Family In Your Wedding?

Wedding ceremonies and receptions can be a hassle, especially if you want to include everyone in it. Well, if you’re looking for sweet and thoughtful ways of including your family in your wedding, then here are some that you need to consider on your big day. If you’re on good terms, having your family members close to you can make dealing with wedding tent rentals and vendors easier for you.

Have Unique Aisle Walks

It’s tradition for a bride to walk down the aisle with her father figure. However, it doesn’t have to be that way every single time. You can choose to tweak the traditions as you please since it’s your big day. It doesn’t need to be a single family member that you walk down the aisle with. You can walk with your entire family or the people you feel the happiest and confident with.

It’s not only a unique entry of the bride, but it is also a wonderful way to make your family a part of that walk that leads you to your significant other. It is truly a magical moment and you want your entire family to be a part of it.

So, gather your family and have them walk down the aisle with you, where they can hand you over to your spouse and you guys can start your journey as a married couple. It’s really beautiful and heartwarming.

Ask Them To Perform The Ceremony

You don’t always need a preacher to perform the wedding ceremony. If someone in your family knows how to deliver the ceremony, then why not ask them to take charge of it altogether? There’s nothing better than having someone at the altar who is from your family because it makes everything a lot more fun and casual instead of serious.

Since it’s your wedding and you don’t want things to be awkward or serious all the time, you can request someone from your family to hold the ceremony, while you and your spouse exchange vows. It’s going to be a moment to remember.

Appoint Them As Ring Bearers

Ring bearers and guardians are mostly random people. Well, they don’t have to be, if you can include your family and ensure the safety of the rings to them. Ring bearing is a very important part of the wedding and you’ll need someone responsible for the job. So, your parents or even your siblings or someone else close to the family will be perfect for the job.

This is also a great way to include your family in the wedding, without putting them under too much pressure, so it’s perfect for parents or even grandparents if they can handle it.

As Witnesses

Wedding ceremonies need to have witnesses and while it’s common for the bride and groom to have friends and other close people as witnesses, there’s nothing better than having your family members as witnesses in your wedding.

You almost always need someone to witness different parts of the ceremony so including your family in this crucial part will be amazing and they will do a wonderful job too. There’s not a lot of work involved in being a witness either, so it’s a perfect job for your parents and other family members to take part in.

Have Them As The Greeters

Weddings can be a hassle, especially when flocks upon flocks of guests are coming in. As the main couple of the wedding, you can’t possibly be at the entrance and greet everyone. That is just not possible. So, what you can do is have your family help you out. They will be more than happy to take over this job and they will take the burden off your shoulders so that you can enjoy your wedding day to the max.

Family members are amazing greeters and they almost always know all of the guests, so it will be a breeze for them to keep everyone entertained.

To make it even better, plan the wedding together like choosing wedding tent rental packages Clarksburg and creating the guest list so they will know much more about the wedding and the guests, which will make them better greeters.

As Ushers

If you have a specific guest seating plan then it’s going to be a bit of a hassle for the guests to find their seat. So, your family can come in and save the day essentially. They can be ushers to the wedding and lead all of the guests to their seats. This is going to make the space less crowded and everyone will find their seats in no time.

Just make sure that the family member knows the seating plan down to the T so that they can lead the guests where they have to sit.

Invite Them While Getting Ready

This is especially an amazing tip for the bride, who wants to spend some quality time with her mother and sister/sisters. The bride can get ready with her mother and other female cousins, siblings, or friends if she wants.

This is an amazing way to have a wonderful time with your mother and you guys can talk your hearts out before it’s finally time for you to start your life’s new chapter. This is an amazing way to include your family in the wedding and you’ll appreciate this time a lot. It’s a great memory to look back on too.

Have Special Dances With Them

The first dance is always reserved for the bride and groom, right? So, why not have special dances with your family too? You can have dances with your parents, siblings, and even grandparents.

This is an amazing way to put your family out there and have a special moment with them on the dance floor before the reception begins. This is something that not a lot of couples do, but it can change the trajectory of the wedding and it can serve as a beautiful memory for the people included in it, so it is going to be a success.

Make Speeches For Them

There are toasts and speeches at the wedding reception and most of the time, the guests are one to take the mic and wish the new couple well in their lives. However, you can change things around and as the couple, you can make speeches for your respective families and thank them for whatever they did.

The speech is essentially a way of showing your appreciation on this bustling day. It will be moving for the family and they will appreciate it a lot. Another tip? You can keep the speeches a secret to give your family an even pleasant surprise.

Memorable Family Portraits

Pictures are moments frozen in time, so why not include some very memorable ones with your family? There are a lot of family portrait ideas that you can recreate on your wedding day and it’s a wonderful gift for you and your family to look back on and smile.

Pictures are no-fuss and no one can say no to them. So, drag them with you and have some fun, quirky, and adorable pictures taken, so that you have something amazing to remember from your wedding day after years have passed.


There’s nothing more wonderful than having your family there with you on your wedding day and things get even more delightful if you include them in different ways. If they want to be included in the wedding planning, you can assign them some of the tasks like hiring florists or wedding party rentals Damascus MD.

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